Have a look at some examples of CV sections. Are they easy to glance through? Do they contain enough but not too many concrete details? Do you need to add or delete information?
In the right-hand column you'll find the same fragments as a word-file. You can use those to make the necessary improvements.
University of Antwerp Management School (UAMS) Master in Personnel Management
Ghent University Master in Communication Studies Dissertation: 'My Goodness, My Guinness', An analysis of the social impact of Guinness Advertisements
Offer some more background information and respect the when-what-where structure. Use some formatting, such as bold print.
Master in Personnel Management, University of Management School (UAMS)
Law: corporate legislation, social security legislation
Management: HR management, financial management
Eonomics: global finance and micro ecenomics
Master in Communication Studies, Ghent University
Communication management
Consumer research
Dissertation: 'My Goodness, My Guinness', An analysis of the social impact of Guinness Advertisements
Marketing and Communication assistant, Fortis Brussels: August - September 2007
Hostess, Ghent Film Festival Ghent - October '05, '06, '07
This CV is too concise and leaves the recruiter with too many questions. If you do not supply the necessary information, there is a chance that the recruiters will assume the experiences have been negative. To avoid negative assumptions, it is advisable to briefly mention your previous tasks and accomplishments, even if you do this in your letter as well. Sometimes selections are based on CVs alone.
Do not forget about a logical and systematic when-what-where structure. Add some formatting and be consistent in the presentation of your information.
October 2005, 2006, 2007 Hostess, Ghent Film Festival, Ghent
Planning and executing the VIP events
Receiving and assisting the VIPs
Being the spokesperson of the organisation with the VIPs
August - September 2005 Marketing and Communication assistant, Fortis, Brussels
Writing direct mails, folders and short commercial excerpts
Coordination of mailings
Negotiating with product managers and coordinators
Editing the newsletter
Organisation and communication skills
I have got highly developed organisational skills. I like to tackle problems head on. These skills are clearly present in my social life.
I have been an active scouting member for the past 15 years. I organised summer camps and barbecues.
I have learned a lot about group dynamics and leadership skills. I now know how to lead a group.
Because I have had numerous meetings with the city council and local neighbourhood committees, I am aware of how diplomacy works.
I am now an active member of scouting Limburg, the central organising body for all things scouting in Limburg. We organise weekends out for group leaders and set up educational workshops. For more information about scouting, visit www.scoutsengidsenvlaanderen.be.
It can be worthwhile to make your skills concrete by adding examples, but don't overdo it. Do not use full sentences and do not offer too much info. Stick to the facts in a clear and schematised way.
An alternative might look like this.
Organisation and communication skills
2004 to date
Members of Scouting Limburg
Organising educational weekends
Setting up workshops
Evaluating past activities and developing new ones
2000 to date
Group leader, Scouting Hasselt
Dealing with group dynamics
Leading groups
Regular meetings with city councils and interest groups